Salvia Fashionista Evening Attire

A waterwise series of Salvia available in five seperate colours, each producing gorgeous tubular flowers on tall stems from early summer through to late autumn.

Botanical NameSalvia buchananii
Common NameSalvia Fashionista Evening Attire
Key Features Vivid bright blue tubular flowers standout against contrasting calyx and corolla colour’s making an eye-catching canopy of colour.
SizeGrows to 65cm high x 45cm wide.
PositionPrefers a well drained soil in a full sun location. An extremely hardy series, tolerates moderate frost, coastal conditions and extremes of heat once established.
Cultural NotesLow maintenance, prune following flowering to maintain shape.
Landscape IdeasA spectacular plant for containers, borders and garden beds where the mass of flower can be enjoyed.
Water RequirementsLow
  • Full  Sun
  • Pollinator Attracting
  • Great for Pots